Wednesday, 11 March 2015

The Purity Issue (Triple Braided Life)

I wrestled with this next post that I submitted for TBL. 'Is it too deep of a topic for a new contributor?' 'Is it revealing too much about myself?' 'What do I do when it is published, do I share it on my Facebook page?'

But, I felt like it was something I needed to write. I have dealt with my sexual sin from my past. But, it is not forgotten. It may be forgotten in God's eyes, and I may be forgiven and redeemed. But, it is sin that will most likely impact future relationships. And that saddens me. It saddens me on a whole lot of levels. It is a deep issue, but it is a real issue. I admire writer's who speak the truth- not just the truth of God's Word, but the truth of issues that we, too often, sweep under the carpet.

It... scares me on a couple levels to be bold and honest in my writing. But if God can use these words... then so be it :-)

And so, here is my post featured on Triple Braided Life:


  1. Dear Katie,

    I just read your article a few minutes ago, and I feel compelled to ask you for prayer. I am nineteen, Christian, and from an uber-conservative Indian family. I have struggled with the sin of masturbation for a long time now, and although I know it is wrong, I can't really stop from doing it, and the feelings of guilt and shame that overpower me after don't seem worth it all. I would love prayers and advice regarding that issue. Thank you so much! for your prayers!

    1. Hello Anonymous,

      Thank you for reaching out, you are brave to post with honesty and sincerity. I will most certainly be praying for you!

      It sounds like you are feeling convicted from the sin. Now the next step is to act on it. Are you involved in a bible-believing church? Can I encourage you to find a couple of people to seek support and accountability from within that setting? I understand that sounds extremely scary. But it is also extremely valuable and beneficial.

      Purity is such a big and different topic in the world. The worldly view places us at the centre of our needs and wants and desires. I will be praying that you will have the courage to fight for purity in your own life.

      In my own experience, I have found that sin loves to hide in the dark and it is damaging and destructive. However, Jesus shines a light on our lives and is the way to freedom. I love the words from Ephesians 5:8-14 that encourage us to walk in the light.

      Hang in there - purity is a hard road but is definitely one worth pursuing!
